Thank you for your interest in the Sudarshan Kriya Yoga for Canadian Veterans with PTSD: A Nation-wide Effectiveness and Implementation Evaluation study. Please complete the survey below to see if you are likely to be eligible to participate.
Where did you hear about our study? From: ✱
Did a doctor or staff at an organization or clinic refer you? ✱
Are you an adult (18 years of age or older)? ✱
Have you ever been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
Are you a veteran of the RCMP or Canadian Armed Forces?  ✱
Have you ever experienced, witnessed, or had to deal with an extremely traumatic event that may include actual or threatened death, serious injury, or violence to you or someone else?  ✱
In the past month, have you repeatedly re-experienced this trauma in an unwanted and mentally distressing way?
How often?
Are you currently practicing Yoga or meditation specifically for PTSD?  ✱
Are you currently participating in or planning to start any behavioural therapy (e.g. cognitive behavioural therapy, exposure therapy)?  ✱
Are you willing and able to participate in study appointments through online video calls? ✱
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